Saturday, October 5, 2013

Life without Marching Band

I just have to say that it is a lovely Saturday. It is a beautiful day! The sun is shining, I took Coda to class this morning, cleaned up a bit around the house, spent some time outside with the dogs, got a mani-pedi... I feel so relaxed right now :) Life without marching band is pretty awesome!

Don't get me wrong. I loved the seven seasons I spent working with my brother's marching band (I did NOT love the two seasons I spent with the other marching band. Ick). But having my nights and weekends to myself is sooooo nice. I do miss seeing my brother four to five times a week, and being a part of something great (those kids work so hard. They truly want to be their best and play the crap outta their show!). But it is reeeeeeeeally nice to be home on this fine Saturday rather than out on the field thinking about the laundry that is piling up, and the house is a total mess.

Does that mean that the laundry isn't piled up right now? Bahahahahaha! Of course it is! But that's because I'm choosing to be lazy rather than simply not having the time to stick a load in :)

* :) * :) * :) * :) * :) * :) * :) * :) * :) * :) * :) * :) * :) * :) * :) * :) *

CD8: tonight is the eighth night of stims. I can't believe how fast the past week went! Thank god, because the week before it absolutely c-r-a-w-l-e-d. What's on tap for tonight? 175iu of Follistim, two vials of Menopur, and a vile of Cetrotide. My belly has a trail of injection sites and thankfully only one little bruise. I wonder how much longer I'll be stimming. I'm looking forward to my ultrasound tomorrow. I hope those follies are getting nice and plump :) It's crazy to think that my egg retrieval will be within a few days!! 

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