Thursday, October 30, 2014

Worst Blogger Ever

Ok, maybe not the worst in all of blogger history, but I've been majorly slacking off! I have been SO BUSY running around, trying to get everything in order for our (fingers crossed) hopeful cycle... Dr. KK has been keeping me BUSY. I can't keep count of all the blood draws I have had over the past four and a half weeks... it's been insane. Here are my updates... quickly! Because I don't have much time:

Rheumatologist: Dr. KK recommended that I see a rheumy to have a full evaluation after my positive ANA. Dr. B, my rheumy, ran a lot of blood work (nine vials) and diagnosed me with Sjogren's Syndrome. She also mentioned something about my Rheumatoid Arthritis test coming back high, but said that she doesn't think that I have RA. Then something about inactive lupus in my system.... oh god! I had a classroom full of students, and I couldn't really process the information fast enough on our phone call. I will be sitting down with her next Tuesday to do a formal follow-up. I will have a lot of questions.

RE: I've been working with my RE to get a plan in place so we are ready to cycle the SECOND that we get the OK from Dr. KK (the Dr. KK OK, LOL!). I've been doing all of the cycle prep and am PRAYING that we can get this thing going in November. I'll be seeing Dr. J on Wednesday next week to check in on the status of my ute.

KK: Sooooo much blood work!!! And pills!! And injections too. Today's cocktail includes Synthroid, Prednisone, Metformin, Supplements Galore, Baby Aspirin, Lupron, and Delestrogen. Next Friday is the big day. I'll be starting Lovenox over the weekend, and we'll be checking to see how well that is working with another doppler ultrasound. Then I'll be sitting down to talk to Dr. KK and get all the results from our endless blood work over the past month. And finally, if all the stars align, I will have my first IVIg infusion. There are a lot of stars that need to get in order for that to happen... including the appeal to my insurance for coverage. Ugh. So much stress. I don't even want to get into it!!!


  1. You're not the worst blogger ever! lol I've been stalking you on TB and IDOB to track your progress! I'm so happy to see that everything is moving right along. I have my FX so hard for you! I hope everything goes well next Friday. <3

  2. You have a lot going on these days! I am stalking you always and keeping everything crossed for you! Sending lots of love your way. <3

  3. Wow you sound very busy CC! I hope you have a chance to have some down time soon. Can't wait for more updates xoxo

  4. Well that certainly sounds like you have a lot going on!! No wonder you haven't been able to update as much. I have everything crossed that you'll be able to cycle right away!!

  5. You have been so busy!! Wishing you so much luck!!

    -Mindy (mm29)
