Saturday, January 23, 2016

Snow Day Tears

**possible tissue warning***

My husband & I were eating lunch and talking about the snow storm. We are snowed in, not a plow in sight, and it's still coming down hard. Good thing we have nowhere to be! We are enjoying a warm, cozy day inside relaxing, cooking, and coloring. The conversation was light and merry until he brought up the snow storm from March 5th... and then the flood gates opened up for both of us. 

March 5, 2015 was the beginning of the end for our dear, sweet Rosa. It goes down in my personal history book as one of the worst days of my life. It was two days before my birthday, the snow/rain storm caused flooding in my house, and we were first learning of Rosa's fatal diagnosis. 

All it took was one little mention of that storm to bring back all of the horrible memories that we've both been holding in... 

How I miss my darling Rosa & Robin. 


  1. I know I tell you often, but I hope you know how much I love you and I am here for you. Thinking of you always.
