
Sunday, February 23, 2014

My Feelings on Becoming a Mother

I have been diligently completing the Circle+Bloom Mind+Body Program for IVF/IUI. Currently, I am repeating the tracks for CD13+14 which are meant to be used between ER and ET. Following the body awareness and relaxation exercise, each track leads you through a guided visualization.

Today's visualization was to imagine yourself pregnant, then holding your baby, then watching her grow into a small child. The point of this was to identify how you feel. Do you harbor any negative feelings about becoming a mother? Any possible impediments that are blocking the process?

No, infact, I have no fears about becoming a mother aside from the possibility that I may not become one. When I visualize myself pregnant, holding my baby, hugging my toddler, nurturing my child, admiring my teenager, adoring my young adult... I am filled with so much gratitude and love, my heart could burst. I am so proud of how beautiful my child is. I see a beautiful person on the inside and outside, and it makes me so happy that I am brought to tears.

The program guides you to take those feelings and place them in your opened hand. Look at them nonjudgmentally from all angles. I see a small, glowing, purple heart. Then the program tells you that it is ok to keep those feelings outside your body. But that's not where I will carry mine. I placed it back inside of my heart, and point it towards our five embryos who are growing in a dish right now. I want to bathe them in this positive, loving energy.

Dearest Embryos,
     I pray that you are growing at this very moment into four perfect cells each. I pray that each of you has minimal fragmentation, and will continue to flourish over the next several days into perfect blastocysts. I pray that at least one of you is the child I imagined above. You hold so much potential within you. You are already a miracle and deeply loved by your mother and father. Please focus on getting big and strong, and remember that I am always here for you.

Love always,
Your Mama


  1. Aaw! I used a little Circle&Bloom. I enjoyed it but I often feel asleep! (mid day naps). But I am a HUGE fan of visualization. Keep it up! Sending my own visualization of beautiful blasts out to your little embies. <3

  2. Sending so much love to you and your ninjembies, Cici! <3 <3 <3

    1. Thank you, dear!! Lots of ninja cowbell love has been felt ;)

  3. Sending you lots of love and positive juju. You are so strong and determined. Keeping everything crossed your take home baby is one of those ninjas! Grow embies, grow!

    1. Strong? Determined? You know as well as I do that we gain strength because we have no other choice!! Determined? Well, yeah, I guess I've always been pretty focused on my goals (I cried as a child if I colored outside the lines. LOL!!!)
