
Friday, February 21, 2014

IVF #3 - Egg Retrieval

I woke up this morning all excited like a kid on Christmas morning :) Today was ER day!! We managed to get out of the house and to the clinic almost on time. John did his thing, I encouraged him to eat breakfast (though he didn't), and after showers out the door we went.

When we arrived, we checked in. John had to drop off his cup at the lab, while I went down to the IVF suite. The nurse brought me to curtain 1 where I would be residing for a little while. She gave me some paperwork to fill out, and the most fabulous wardrobe (including a pink gown, blue robe, booties and a hair net). I spoke to the doctor and anesthesiologist, then the nurse came in to do my IV. Ugh, one of my least favorite parts. This nurse wins "Nurse of the Year" in my book. She was awesome and managed to get the IV in my arm and it barely even hurt!! That's a huge improvement from every other IV I've ever had to get (always in my hand... I still have a little scar from ER #2).

After emptying my bladder, I walked into the OR. The anesthesiologist was so funny! I asked the nurse which end of the table was for my head, and the anesthesiologist said that the hole in the table was the butt hole. HAHAHAHA!!! And the OR nurse ended up having the same name as me... that doesn't happen every day because our name is pretty rare. I was pretty excited about that! The anesthesiologist told me to pick out a good dream (I chose to dream about blastocysts!) and out I went.

I woke up in bed #1 and learned that we got 9 eggs! NINE EGGS :) We are thrilled!! The lady in the bed next to me got 34 eggs. I can't even imagine what it must've felt like to carry around almost 3 dozen eggs for the past week plus!

Now we are just praying that enough of our eggs fertilize so that we get at least one blastocyst to become our takehome baby.

Recovery wasn't so much fun. Anesthesia is not my friend. The anesthesiologist had given me some zofran, but when I tried to sit up I started to feel light headed. Usually, patients are cleared to go home within an hour of ER... it took me four hours before I was ready. They offered me an IM shot to help with the nausea, but at that point it was starting to get better. They were also about to do some acupuncture to help, but at that point I was ready to get up and see about getting home. I guess I'm just sensitive to anesthesia and I needed time for it to work itself out.

Now I'm home, John is waiting on me hand and foot (woohoo!!), and I have two of the best in-home doggie nurses in the whole town ;) I am expecting a call tomorrow to let me know of the initial fertilization report. Many prayers have already been said and many more are on the way!! I appreciate all the warm thoughts, dances, stickers, good vibes and prayers from all of you :)


  1. YAY!!! So many prayers and positive fert vibes going your way!!

    1. Thank you, Say <3 Keep them coming!! We need all the help we can get!

  2. Woohoo! Nine is great! FX hard for you!

    1. Thanks, Kati :) I always look forward to reading your comments & am rooting you & your DH on! I'm excited for your spring cycle!!!
