
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day 5 Report

Today is a first. We actually made it to the Day 5 Report. Dr. M. called us himself to deliver the news... which is not great, but not terrible either.

Out of the 5 embryos, 3 have arrested, and 2 are still growing. They are growing slowly, so we will not do a transfer tomorrow (which comes to me as no surprise). One is doing better than the other, and the other is "small with disorganized cells." Doc said that could mean the embryo is beginning to arrest, though we wouldn't know for sure until tomorrow.

Doc said he is hopeful that we will get one blast to freeze and do a FET in the future. He also said that he was surprised by how this cycle went after ER. He expected more eggs and more of them to be mature. To be honest, we are not surprised... the report he gave us is better news than we've ever gotten to this point. I am a bit disappointed that he is surprised by all this though.

The plan is to let our two embryos grow one more day and see how they do. Dr. M will call me tomorrow with the news. So we continue to be in limbo (which, again, is no surprise).

I said from the beginning, if we get one blastocyst it will be a miracle. We would be thrilled. That is still true. And as of that moment, there is still a chance for that to happen. Pleeeeeeeeeeease grow, embryos.

I have thought ahead a bit to figure out what we'd do if x, y or z happened. Actually...... I haven't thought about the option of no embryos too much because it's too hard. I'll deal with that if it becomes a reality. I'm trying to keep it all at bay for the next 24 hours and just believe in our two embryos.

Right now, I'm just so tired (poor sleep last night), and that's making it foggy. I'm going to try to get distracted again (which isn't working too well. I keep getting distracted from the distractions!!), and when my mind goes to our embryos, fill my head and heart with positive thoughts.


  1. I am so praying for your embies!!!!

  2. I have everything crossed for you and you and your embies are in my prayers <3

  3. You are in my thoughts and prayers every minute CC. I'm sending every positive vibe I have to your two ninja embies and will not stop until I hear news from you again. Great big hugs and sending strength that tonight goes by quickly and you get some sleep. <3 <3

    1. Thank you for your continued prayers & support, Chickin <3

  4. Lots of good thoughts going straight to those embryos! Praying that you get some rest tonight and that tomorrow is filled with great news!

  5. I have everything crossed for you and those two ninja embies. I am continuing to do my good luck / positive juju dance. Hoping you are able to get some sleep tonight and that you get some great news tomorrow. <3

    1. Thank you for your dancing, ttu!! It's working!!!

  6. Thinking of you and hoping for a good update!
